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CyberMotion 3D Designer

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CyberMotion 3D Designer Empty CyberMotion 3D Designer

Message par OmdaGéo Jeu 31 Jan - 1:56


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CyberMotion 3D Designer

Wherever we look, we encounter virtual worlds. Whether in Hollywood or daily advertisements, the world that is presented to the viewer will be a mainly artificial creation. At last, you too can create these surreal worlds at home, practice inside or outside architecture, design products or promotional logos and films or build your own virtual worlds using the build in landscape designer and atmospheric background models.

All the modules that you need to generate, model and manipulate, animate and represent the three-dimensional world are integral parts of the CyberMotion 3d-software. CyberMotion provides a high quality rendering output using raytracing and up-to-date global illumination algorithms like Ambient Occlusion and Photon Mapping. The possibilities to define object surfaces, light conditions and backgrounds are almost inexhaustible - visual libraries and fast preview windows in the main dialogs invite to experiment and play around with this vast functionality.

Complex 3D animations can be set up very easily - you can animate all objects, camera and light settings, backgrounds, fire, water and even clouds and fog in the atmosphere. You can arrange objects in hierarchies to animate jointed models or robots and easily position joints with the help of Inverse Kinematics. And with the up to date Skin and Bones technology even character animation is available with CyberMotion. Call your own heros and monsters into being, CyberMotion gives you all the tools you

CyberMotion 3D Designer Housedguw2

CyberMotion 3D Designer Kitchdgua2

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CyberMotion 3D Designer Kunstgagnv2

CyberMotion 3D Designer Bbsosgax4

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good luck
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Moderateur Actif

Nombre de messages : 1332
Age : 40
Ville/Pays : Algérie
Profession : Géologie de l'ingénieur
Loisirs : winkoum nass li fikoum l'khir ya nass l'forum
Nom/Prenom : T. Aimad
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2007

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CyberMotion 3D Designer Empty Re: CyberMotion 3D Designer

Message par djas Jeu 31 Jan - 2:23

trés beaux rendus.... saha Omda Smile

Nombre de messages : 411
Ville/Pays : DuThé
Profession : maçon
Loisirs : je fume du thé pour rester éveillé à ce cauchemar qui continue
Nom/Prenom : Pouuse avec EUX!!!
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2007

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