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The concrete floor slab connexion

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The concrete floor slab  connexion Empty The concrete floor slab connexion

Message par bentafat_rachid Dim 30 Déc - 15:40

The concrete floor slab is continuous
over the steel I-sections, and is supported by them. It is designed
to span in the j-direction in the same way as when supported by walls or
the ribs of reinforced concrete T-beams. When shear connection is provided
between the steel member and the concrete slab, the two together
span in the x-direction as a composite beam. The steel member has not
been described as a 'beam', because its main function at mid-span is to
resist tension, as does the reinforcement in a T-beam. The compression
is assumed to be resisted by an 'effective' width of slab,

The concrete floor slab  connexion 1189339822_AZER

Nombre de messages : 3524
Ville/Pays : Alger
Profession : Ingenieur Post Graduant USTHB CCI
Nom/Prenom : (Optionnel)
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2007

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